
首頁 > 產品展示 > > millipore產品價格表【第23001條-第24000條】 > millipore產品價格表【第23001條-第24000條】




 SD1J042V09Pressure Vessls 5L w/the Old Boot DesignSeparation & Preparation 10,212.00 

SD1P014M04MILLIVAC MAXI VACUUM PUMP 230 V 50 HZSeparation & Preparation 19,923.00 

SD1S055V3220V/50HZ ROTARY AGITATOR replacem motorSeparation & Preparation 19,473.00 

SE1J043V10Sterivex-GV 0.22 µm,LuerOutlet,NonSterilSeparation & Preparation 26,734.00 

SE1M003M00Steriflip-HV Durapore PVDF .45um RS 25/pSeparation & Preparation 1,460.00 

SE1M007H04Steritop-HV 150ml NSno stamp,no lid,24pkSeparation & Preparation 1,205.00 

SE1M029H03Steritop-GP, 1L, NS, 12/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,578.00 

SE1M052H03Steritop-HV,500ml,NS,no stamp,no lid24pkSeparation & Preparation 1,656.00 

SE1M053H03Steritop-00, 500ml,no memb,no lid,no staSeparation & Preparation 1,215.00 

SE1M073H02Steriflip-GP 50mL Falcon Tubes PES .22umSeparation & Preparation 1,656.00 

SE1M179M6Steriflip-GV Durapore PVDF .22um RS 25/pSeparation & Preparation 1,490.00 

SE1M308H3SUPPORT SCREEN SWINNEX-13Separation & Preparation 1,078.00 

SE1P973H0SVSV01015 SV STER 15/PK 5.0UMSeparation & Preparation 1,166.00 

SE2M008I00FS SyringeFilter13mmDuraporePVDF .22umStSeparation & Preparation 2,538.00 

SE2M009I00FS SyringeFilter13mmDuraporePVDF .45umStSeparation & Preparation 3,420.00 

SE2M017I1125mm sterile, 41um nylon, female LuerLokSeparation & Preparation 1,960.00 

SE2M034I070.45um MILLEX 33mm MCE 50Pk SSeparation & Preparation 2,685.00 

SE2M035I070.22UM MILLEX 33mm MCE 50PK SSeparation & Preparation 3,146.00 

SE2M049I05STERILE FG MILLEX 13MMSeparation & Preparation 16,709.00 

SE2M155I01MLX GV 25MM LUER LOCK OUTLET 1000PK STERSeparation & Preparation 16,562.00 

SE2M228I04Distributor Syringe Filter 33mm PES.22umSeparation & Preparation 1,627.00 

SE2M229I04DistributorSyringeFilter33mmDuraporePVDFSeparation & Preparation 1,627.00 

SE2M230I04DistributorSyringeFilter33mmDuraporePVDFSeparation & Preparation 1,627.00 

SE2M317H9MILLEX-SV,5.0um,NS,1000pkSeparation & Preparation 18,708.00 

SE2M780H5FS Syringe Filter 25mm Phobic PTFE .45umSeparation & Preparation 1,940.00 

SE2M781H5FS Syringe Filter 25mm Nylon .20um Non-sSeparation & Preparation 2,185.00 

SE2M782H5FS Syringe Filter 25mm Nylon .45um Non-sSeparation & Preparation 1,901.00 

SE2M783H5FS SYRFLTR.20umNYL25mm50EOSSeparation & Preparation 2,372.00 

SE2M784H5FS SYRF,.45UM,NYL,25MM,ST,50PKSeparation & Preparation 2,332.00 

SE2M785H5FS SYRF,.22UM,MCE,25MM,ST,50PKSeparation & Preparation 1,764.00 

SE2M786H5FS SYRF,.45UM,MCE,25MM,ST,50PKSeparation & Preparation 1,627.00 

SE2M787H5FS Syringe Filter 25mm Phobic PTFE .20umSeparation & Preparation 2,225.00 

SE2M828H6FS Syringe Filter 25mm Nylon .45um Non-sSeparation & Preparation 15,131.00 

SE2M830H6FS Syringe Filter 25mm Phobic PTFESeparation & Preparation 14,112.00 

SE3J005I12Amicon Ultra 0.5ml 10k 500pkSeparation & Preparation 6,556.00 

SE3M922E2ULTRAFREE MC/DV, 250PK KITSeparation & Preparation 5,263.00 

SE3P098E3ULTRAFREE MC HV 1000/PKSeparation & Preparation 12,564.00 

SE4D072I99DISTRIBUTOR SYRINGE FILTER DURAPORESeparation & Preparation 2,695.00 

SE4D076I99DISTRIBUTOR SYRINGE FILTER 33MM NYLSeparation & Preparation 2,695.00 

SE4D077I99DISTRIBUTOR SYRINGE FILTER 33MM NYLSeparation & Preparation 2,695.00 

SE4D078I99DISTRIBUTOR SYRINGE FILTER 33MMSeparation & Preparation 2,695.00 

SE4HA25LLMILLEX HA 25MM LL INLET OUTLET 250PKSeparation & Preparation 7,438.00 

SE4J014I09AC Millex 25mm 10mm NylonSeparation & Preparation 5,067.00 

SE4J020I09FS SYRFLTR 0.45um NYL 33mm 50NSSeparation & Preparation 1,833.00 

SE4J021I09FS SYRFLTR 0.45um NYL 33mm 150NSSeparation & Preparation 3,822.00 

SE4J038I09FS SYRFLTR 0.22UM PVDF 33mm 150 NSSeparation & Preparation 3,861.00 

SE4J040I09FS SYRFLTR 0.45um PVDF 33mm 150NSSeparation & Preparation 3,724.00 

SE4J050I09Millex AA 33mm MCE 0.8um Non Ster 1000pkSeparation & Preparation 13,014.00 

SE4J095I08MILLEX 11UM NYL 25MM PVC NS 100PKSeparation & Preparation 2,764.00 

SE4M003I06MILLEX IIUMNYL 25MM PVC NS 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 19,708.00 

SE4M003I99MSP000845 MODIFIEDSeparation & Preparation 22,726.00 

SE4M010I00FS Syringe Filter 13mm Nylon .20umSeparation & Preparation 1,999.00 

SE4M011I00FS Syringe Filter 13mm Nylon .45umSeparation & Preparation 1,999.00 

SE4M012I00FS Syringe Filter 13mm PTFE .20um NSeparation & Preparation 2,156.00 

SE4M012I1225mm Millex with 3um phobic PTFESeparation & Preparation 2,460.00 

SE4M013I00FS Syringe Filter 13mm PTFE .45um NSeparation & Preparation 2,156.00 

SE4M014I00Distributor Syringe Filter 13mm DuraporeSeparation & Preparation 1,656.00 

SE4M015I00Distributor Syringe Filter 13mm DuraporeSeparation & Preparation 1,793.00 

SE4M016I00Distributor Syringe Filter 13mm PhoSeparation & Preparation 1,833.00 

SE4M016I1125mm Non Sterile Millex with 41um NSeparation & Preparation 23,618.00 

SE4M017I00Distributor Syringe Filter 14mm Phobic PSeparation & Preparation 1,833.00 

SE4M018I00Distributor Syringe Filter 13mm NylSeparation & Preparation 1,686.00 

SE4M018I09FS SYRFLTR 0.20um NYL 33mm 50NSSeparation & Preparation 2,117.00 

SE4M019I00Distributor Syringe Filter 13mm NylSeparation & Preparation 1,686.00 

SE4M019I09FS SYRFLTR 0.20um NYL 33mm 150NSSeparation & Preparation 3,822.00 

SE4M035I09AC Millex 25mm BlankSeparation & Preparation 13,122.00 

SE4M036I00FS Syringe Filter 25mm Nylon .20umSeparation & Preparation 3,940.00 

SE4M036I09FS SYRFLTR 0.45um NYL 33mm 1500NSSeparation & Preparation 23,020.00 

SE4M037I00Distributor Syringe Filter 25mm NylonSeparation & Preparation 3,940.00 

SE4M037I09FS SYRFLTR 0.22um PVDF 33mm 50NSSeparation & Preparation 1,558.00 

SE4M039I00FS Syringe Filter 25mm Phobic PTFESeparation & Preparation 4,028.00 

SE4M039I08MILLEX, 11UM NYL, 25MM PVC, NS, 64 PKSeparation & Preparation 1,245.00 

SE4M039I09FS SYRFLTR 0.45um PVDF 33mm 50NSSeparation & Preparation 1,558.00 

SE4M040I00FS Syringe Filter 25mm Phobic PTFESeparation & Preparation 4,028.00 

SE4M041I00FS Syringe Filter 25mm Durapore PVDSeparation & Preparation 3,979.00 

SE4M041I09FS SYRFLTR 0.45um PVDF 33mm 1500NSSeparation & Preparation 23,020.00 

SE4M042I00FS Syringe 25mm Filter Durapore PVDSeparation & Preparation 3,832.00 

SE4M072I99Distributor Syringe Filter 25mm DurSeparation & Preparation 2,783.00 

SE4M073I99Distributor Syringe Filter 25mm Phobic PSeparation & Preparation 2,979.00 

SE4M074I99Distributor Syringe Filter 25mm Phobic PSeparation & Preparation 2,979.00 

SE4M075I09Millex 13mm 10um Nylon , NS, 1000pkSeparation & Preparation 10,917.00 

SE4M075I99Distributor Syring Filter 25mm PhobSeparation & Preparation 2,979.00 

SE4M076I99Distributor Syringe Filter 25mm NylSeparation & Preparation 2,509.00 

SE4M077I99Distributor Syringe Filter 25mm NylSeparation & Preparation 2,509.00 

SE4M078I1025mm Non Sterile Millex with 1um PhSeparation & Preparation 14,700.00 

SE4M078I99Distributor Syringe Filter 25mm DuraporeSeparation & Preparation 2,538.00 

SE4M080I99Distributor Syringe Filter 25mm MCESeparation & Preparation 2,362.00 

SE4M081I99Distributor Syringe Filter 25mm MCESeparation & Preparation 3,136.00 

SE4M082I99Distributor Syringe Filter 25mm MCESeparation & Preparation 2,362.00 

SE4M097I09Millex 11um NYL 25mm PVC, MLS/MLS 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 18,738.00 

SE4M186I03SLFG025NK WITH NO TAMPO PRINTINGSeparation & Preparation 25,255.00 

SE4M454I07MILLEX NYLON DISPOS FILTER UNITS, 250PKSeparation & Preparation 6,311.00 

SE5J011A09PLCHK000M membrane, 100MWCOSeparation & Preparation 16,699.00 

SE5J014C11PLCHK000M membrane, 100 MWCO, 2sq. meterSeparation & Preparation 28,126.00 

SEAAZONE1EXT TRAVEL ZONE 1Detection Solutions 1,140.00 

SEAAZONE2EXT TRAVEL ZONE 2Detection Solutions 2,246.00 

SEAAZONE3EXT TRAVEL ZONE 3Detection Solutions 3,378.00 

SEAAZONE4EXT TRAVEL ZONE 4Detection Solutions 4,484.00 

SEAAZONE5EXT TRAVEL ZONE 5Detection Solutions 4,701.00 

SEAAZONE6EXT TRAVEL ZONE 6Detection Solutions 5,875.00 

SEAPZONE1EXT TRAVEL ZONE1 (PTY)Detection Solutions 1,554.00 

SEAPZONE2EXT TRAVEL ZONE2 (PTY)Detection Solutions 3,046.00 

SEAPZONE3EXT TRAVEL ZONE3 (PTY)Detection Solutions 4,593.00 

SEAPZONE4EXT TRAVEL ZONE4 (PTY)Detection Solutions 6,092.00 

SEAPZONE5EXT TRAVEL ZONE5 (PTY)Detection Solutions 6,397.00 

SEAPZONE6EXT TRAVEL ZONE6 (PTY)Detection Solutions 7,992.00 

SELAB0RACEXT Accomodation 1/2 hourDetection Solutions -   

SELAB0RBBEXT 1/2H REPAIRDetection Solutions 906.00 

SELAB0REWEXT Extended Wty 1/2 hourDetection Solutions -   

SELAB0RPSEXT Service Plan 1/2 hourDetection Solutions -   

SELAB0RSUEXT Installation 1/2 hourDetection Solutions -   

SELAB0RWREXT Warranty 1/2 hourDetection Solutions -   

SETRAVLACEXT Travel Accomodation 1/2HDetection Solutions -   

SETRAVLBBEXT travel for billable repairDetection Solutions -   

SETRAVLEWEXT TRAVEL Ext. Wty 1/2HDetection Solutions -   

SETRAVLPSEXT TRAVEL SCE PLAN 1/2HDetection Solutions -   

SETRAVLSUEXT Travel Installation 1/2 hourDetection Solutions -   

SETRAVLWREXT TRAVEL WTY 1/2HDetection Solutions -   

SF001-100PESGRO Complete Plus Medium, 100mLDetection Solutions 983.00 

SF001-500PESGRO Complete Plus Medium, 500mLDetection Solutions 2,562.00 

SF002-100Basal Medium, 100mlDetection Solutions 573.00 

SF002-500Basal Medium, 500mlDetection Solutions 1,544.00 

SF004ESGRO COMPLETE SWITCH KITDetection Solutions 1,966.00 

SF005Cell Culture Freezing Media (1X), 50mlDetection Solutions 1,135.00 

SF006ESGRO Complete Accutase, 100mlDetection Solutions 386.00 

SF008Gelatin, 500mlDetection Solutions 328.00 

SF008-100Gelatin, 100mlDetection Solutions 164.00 

SF016-100ESGRO-2i Medium Kit, 100mLDetection Solutions 1,229.00 

SF016-200ESGRO-2i Medium Kit, 200mLDetection Solutions 2,048.00 

SF-101miRNA Scramble + Uptake CY3/CY5Content & Reagents 5,792.00 

SF-102Scramble-CY5Content & Reagents 3,803.00 

SF-103Scramble-CY3Content & Reagents 3,803.00 

SF-104Scramble CY5 + Uptake CY3Content & Reagents 5,792.00 

SF-105Scramble CY3 + Uptake CY5Content & Reagents 5,792.00 

SF-110Twist Hu-Cy5Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-111Twist Hu-Cy3Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-112HPRT1 Rt-Cy3Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-114Uptake-CY3Content & Reagents 3,803.00 

SF-116EGFR Ms-Cy5Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-122HIF-1alpha Hu-Cy5Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-123RNA Pol II Ms-Cy3Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-124RNA Pol II Ms-Cy5Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-125GAPDH-MS-CY3Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-126GAPDH-HU-CY3Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-128Cyclophilin A-MS-CY5Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-129Cyclophilin A-MS-CY3Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-130RNA Pol II-HU-CY5Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-131RNA Pol II-HU-CY3Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-132HPRT1-Hu-CY5Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-133HPRT1-Hu-Cy3Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-134HPRT1-MS-CY5Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-135HPRT1-MS-CY3Content & Reagents 2,913.00 

SF-136GAPDH-HU-CY5Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-137Uptake-CY5Content & Reagents 3,803.00 

SF-138GAPDH-MS-CY5Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-139Cyclophilin A-HU-CY5Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-140GAPDH-RT-CY5Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-141GAPDH-RT-CY3Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-14218S-Hu, Ms, RT-CY5Content & Reagents 2,913.00 

SF-14318S Hu, Ms, RT-CY3Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-144Beta Actin-Hu-CY5Content & Reagents 2,913.00 

SF-145Beta Actin-Hu-CY3Content & Reagents 2,913.00 

SF-146miRNA Scramble-CY5Content & Reagents 3,803.00 

SF-147miRNA Scramble-CY3Content & Reagents 3,803.00 

SF-148miRNA Scramble + Uptake Cy5/Cy3Content & Reagents 5,792.00 

SF-149miR-16-5p Hu-Cy3Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-150Cyclophilin A-HU-CY3Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-164HIF-1alpha Hu-Cy3Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-178miR-16-5p Hu-Cy5Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-179miR-17-3p Hu-Cy3Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-180miR-17-3p Hu-Cy5Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-181MAPK1 Hu-Cy5Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-182MAPK1 Hu-Cy3Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-183miR-155-5p Hu-Cy3Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-184miR-155-5p Hu-Cy5Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-185HIF-1alpha Ms-Cy3Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-186HIF-1alpha Ms-Cy5Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-187RPLP0 Ms-Cy3Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-189HPRT1 Rt-Cy5Content & Reagents 6,962.00 

SF-191miR-451 Hu-Cy5Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-192miR-451 Hu-Cy3Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-193S100B Hu-Cy5Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-195CD31 Hu-Cy5Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-199RPLP0 Ms-Cy5Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF1J001M8Millex PVC 25mm 250um FLL/MLL 100/pkSeparation & Preparation 3,028.00 

SF1M001H6MILLEX 25MM, SLHA02505 BULK STER, 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 16,885.00 

SF1M010A6CstmMilipkW/QuickDisconnectsDuraporePVDFSeparation & Preparation 2,401.00 

SF1M081M6Millex PVC 25mm 41um FLL/MLL 100/pkSeparation & Preparation 3,499.00 

SF1M209H2DUALEX ULTRA N/S 500/PKSeparation & Preparation 6,282.00 

SF1M689H2MILLEX GV BULK PKG STERILESeparation & Preparation 15,572.00 

SF2M243I04MillexFG25mmPVC 0.22umPTFE MLS NS 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 13,720.00 

SF2M244I04Millex FG 25mmPVC 0.22umPTFE MLL/CLR MLSSeparation & Preparation 19,012.00 

SF-472Nestin Hu Cy5Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-473Vimentin Rt-Cy5Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-474Notch4 Hu-Cy5Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-475MAPK1 Ms-Cy5Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-483Nodal Hu-Cy3Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SF-494Nodal Hu-Cy5Content & Reagents 7,547.00 

SFA1L1Free Fatty Acid ElisaBiopharm Services 210.00 

SFBC47125BOVINE EMBRYO CUP 125/PKSeparation & Preparation 11,584.00 

SF-CMTI-2ESGRO Complete ES Cells-C57/BL6, 2 vialsDetection Solutions 22,183.00 

SF-DTOSmartFlare Develop to Order ServiceContent & Reagents 9,302.00 

SFGL02500MILLEX OR NON STRL 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 16,513.00 

SGT220MEK1-GST (ACTIVE)  RECOMB-5UGContent & Reagents 3,732.00 

SHL-L1Sensitive Human Leptin AssayBiopharm Services 142.00 

SHS-GLPHKSample Hydrating Solution (30 ml)Detection Solutions 1,404.00 

SIETKALL1Aldosterone RIABiopharm Services -   

SJFHM4710Millicup-FH 47mm PTFE .45um 10/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,000.00 

SJHVM4710Millicup-HV 47mm Durapore PVDF .45 10/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,000.00 

SJLHM4710Millicup-LH 47mm Philic PTFE .45um 10/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,029.00 

SK5R204V2CDI LAB STAK 4 PRS IN PARALLELDetection Solutions 44,226.00 

SKBM02560Strat - M Membrane , 25mm, 60/pk.Separation & Preparation 6,056.00 

SKBM04760Strat - M Membrane , 47mm, 60/pk.Separation & Preparation 12,113.00 

SK-CORT04-anti Cortisol BeadsMILLIPLEX-C  0.2mlDetection Solutions 2,457.00 

SK-FIBRO02-anti Fibronectin Beads COLDPKS 0.2 mlDetection Solutions 2,457.00 

SKHA025NBCathivex 25mm MCE .44um NonSterile 750pkSeparation & Preparation 16,278.00 

SK-HSA11-anti HSA Beads  MILLIPLEX - COLDDetection Solutions 2,457.00 

SKIN01L1XHuman Skin Panel 1plexBiopharm Services 278.00 

SKIN02L1XHuman Skin Panel 2plexBiopharm Services 319.00 

SKIN03L1XHuman Skin Panel 3plexBiopharm Services 353.00 

SKIN04L1XHuman Skin Panel 4plexBiopharm Services 387.00 

SKIN-05L1XHuman Skin Panel LincoPlex 5-plex AssayBiopharm Services 339.00 

SKIN-50K-01Lincokit Catalog ID.SKIN-50K-01.HumDetection Solutions 5,733.00 

SKIN-50K-02Lincokit Catalog ID.SKIN-50K-02.HumDetection Solutions 7,839.00 

SKIN-50K-03Lincokit Catalog ID.SKIN-50K-03.HumDetection Solutions 10,238.00 

SKIN-50K-04Lincokit Catalog ID.SKIN-50K-04.HumDetection Solutions 11,759.00 

SKIN-50K-05Lincokit Catalog ID.SKIN-50K-05.HumDetection Solutions 13,514.00 

SKIN-50K-06Lincokit Catalog ID.SKIN-50K-06.HumDetection Solutions 15,035.00 

SKIN-50K-07Lincokit Catalog ID.SKIN-50K-07.HumDetection Solutions 16,556.00 

SK-INVOL27-anti-Involucrin Beads MILLIPLEX 0.2mlDetection Solutions 2,457.00 

SK-KER124-anti Keratin-1,10 Beads MILLIPL 0.2mlDetection Solutions 2,457.00 

SK-KER613-anti Keratin 6 Beads MILLIPLEX 0.2mlDetection Solutions 2,457.00 

SK-LPS15-anti LPS Beads  MILLIPLEX - COLDDetection Solutions 2,457.00 

SLAA025NBMillex-AA 25mm MCE .8um NS 250PKSeparation & Preparation 5,753.00 

SLAA025NKMillexAA 25mm MCE .8um NS 1000pkSeparation & Preparation 13,406.00 

SLAA033SBMillex 33mm MCE .8um Sterile 250/pkSeparation & Preparation 5,165.00 

SLAA033SSMillex 33mm MCE .8um Sterile 50/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,421.00 

SLAAM33SSMillex 33mm MCE .8um Sterile FDA ListedSeparation & Preparation 1,362.00 

SLAAV255FMillex 25mm MCE .8um Sterile w/ VenSeparation & Preparation 1,597.00 

SLAP02550Millex-AP AP20 25mm Non-Sterile 50/pkSeparation & Preparation 990.00 

SLAP05010Millex-AP Prefilter 50mm 10/pkSeparation & Preparation 578.00 

SLCR013NKMillexLRC 13mm PhilicPTFE.45um NS 1000pkSeparation & Preparation 16,190.00 

SLCR013NLMillexLRC 13mm PhilicPTFE .45um NS 100pkSeparation & Preparation 2,352.00 

SLCR025NBMillex LRC 25mm PhilicPTFE.45um NS 250pkSeparation & Preparation 7,046.00 

SLCR025NKMillexLRC 25mm PhilicPTFE.45um NS 1000pkSeparation & Preparation 16,435.00 

SLCR025NSMillexLRC 25mm Philic PTFE .45um NS 50pkSeparation & Preparation 1,970.00 

SLCRBZ5NKAC Millex 25mm PTFE/APFB .45um Non-Separation & Preparation 22,324.00 

SLCRBZ5NZAC Millex 25mm PTFE/APFB .45um Non-Separation & Preparation 5,949.00 

SLCRDZ5NKAC Millex 25mm PTFE .45um NS 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 18,591.00 

SLCRDZ5NZAC Millex 25mm PTFE .45um Non-steriSeparation & Preparation 5,204.00 

SLCRM25NKMILLEX HPF LCR 25MM PHILIC PTFE .45Separation & Preparation 22,060.00 

SLCRM25NSMILLEX-HPF LCR 25MM PHILIC PTFE 0.4Separation & Preparation 1,627.00 

SLCRT13NLMillex-LRC 13mm Philic PTFE .45um NSeparation & Preparation 2,587.00 

SLFA05000Millex-FA 50mm PTFE 1.0um Non-steriSeparation & Preparation 8,105.00 

SLFA05010Millex-FA 50mm PTFE 1.0um Non-sterile HBSeparation & Preparation 1,196.00 

SLFG013NLMillexFG 13mm Phobic PTFE .20um NS 100pkSeparation & Preparation 2,038.00 

SLFG0250MMillex FG 25mm PTFE .2um Non-ster 1000pkSeparation & Preparation 12,074.00 

SLFG02550Millex-FG 25mm PTFE .2um Non-sterile 50/Separation & Preparation 1,784.00 

SLFG025LSMillex-FG 25mm PTFE .20um Sterile 50/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,637.00 

SLFG025NBMillex-FG 25mmPhobic PTFE .20um NS 250PKSeparation & Preparation 6,840.00 

SLFG025NKMillex-FG 25mmPhobic PTFE .20umNS 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 15,602.00 

SLFG025NSMillex-FG 25mmPhobic PTFE .20um NS 50PKSeparation & Preparation 1,999.00 

SLFG05000Millex-FG 50mm PTFE .2µm NS HB-HB 100/pkSeparation & Preparation 7,860.00 

SLFG05010Millex-FG 50mm PTFE .2um Non-sterile HB-Separation & Preparation 1,166.00 

SLFG55010Millex-FG 50mm PTFE .2um Non-sterile HB-Separation & Preparation 1,166.00 

SLFG65000Millex-FG 50mm PTFE .2um Non-sterile HB-Separation & Preparation 8,242.00 

SLFG65010Millex-FG 50mm PTFE .2um Non-sterile HB-Separation & Preparation 1,166.00 

SLFG75000MillexFG 50mmPTFE .2um NS 1/8NPT-1/8NPTMSeparation & Preparation 7,860.00 

SLFG75010Millex-FG 50mm PTFE .2um Non-sterile 1/8Separation & Preparation 1,166.00 

SLFG85000Millex-FG 50mm PTFE .2um Non-sterile HB-Separation & Preparation 7,860.00 

SLFG85010Millex-FG 50mm PTFE .2um Non-sterile HB-Separation & Preparation 1,166.00 

SLFGL25BSMillex-FG 25mmPTFE .2umSterileW/LuerOutlSeparation & Preparation 1,784.00 

SLFGN25VSMillex-FG 25mm PTFE .2um Sterile w/ NeedSeparation & Preparation 1,078.00 

SLFGR04NLMillexFG 4mm Phobic PTFE .20um NS 100pkSeparation & Preparation 1,617.00 

SLFGX13NKOvermoldMillex13 0.20mPhobicPTFE NS1KpkRSeparation & Preparation 15,239.00 

SLFGX13NLOvermoldMillex13 0.20mPhobicPTFEns100pkRSeparation & Preparation 2,225.00 

SLFGX13TLMillex FG 13mm Phobic PTFE 0.20um Non StSeparation & Preparation 2,401.00 

SLFH013NKMillexFH 13mm Phobic PTFE 45um NS 1000pkSeparation & Preparation 13,740.00 

SLFH013NLMillex-FH 13mm Phobic PTFE 45um NonSeparation & Preparation 2,038.00 

SLFH025NBMillexFH 25mm Phobic PTFE .45um NS 250pkSeparation & Preparation 6,840.00 

SLFH025NKMillexFH 25mm PhobicPTFE .45um NS 1000pkSeparation & Preparation 16,043.00 

SLFH025NSMillexFH 25mm Phobic PTFE .45um NS 50pkSeparation & Preparation 1,852.00 

SLFH05000Millex-FH, 0.45 µm Hydrophobic PTFE, 50mSeparation & Preparation 7,860.00 

SLFH05010Millex-FH, 0.45 µm Hydrophobic PTFE, 50mSeparation & Preparation 1,166.00 

SLFH1000NMillex-FH 25mm PTFE .45um Non-steriSeparation & Preparation 28,685.00 

SLFHR04NLMillexFH 4mm Phobic PTFE .45um NS 100pkSeparation & Preparation 1,617.00 

SLFHT13NLMillex-FH 13mm Phobic PTFE .45um Non-steSeparation & Preparation 2,234.00 

SLFHX13NKOvermoldMillex13 0.45mPhobicPTFE NS1KpkRSeparation & Preparation 14,563.00 

SLFHX13NLOvermoldMillex13 .45mPhobicPTFE NS100pkRSeparation & Preparation 2,225.00 

SLFHX13TLMillex FH 13mm Phobic PTFE .45um NoSeparation & Preparation 2,401.00 

SLGL0250SMillex 25mm MCE .22um Sterile w/ Luer OuSeparation & Preparation 1,627.00 

SLGN033NBMILLEX .20UM NYL33MM 250NSSeparation & Preparation 6,595.00 

SLGN033NKMillex-GN 33mm Nylon .20um NS 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 15,494.00 

SLGN033NSMillexGN 33mm Nylon .20um NS 50pkSeparation & Preparation 1,784.00 

SLGNDZ5NKAC MILLEX 25MM NYLON .2UM NON STERISeparation & Preparation 17,013.00 

SLGNDZ5NZAC MILLEX 25MM NYLON .2UM NON STERISeparation & Preparation 4,959.00 

SLGNM25NKMILLEX HPF GN 25MM NYLON .2UM NON SSeparation & Preparation 19,306.00 

SLGNM25NSMILLEX HPF GN 25MM NYLON .2 UM NONSeparation & Preparation 1,597.00 

SLGNX13NKOvermoldedMillex13 .20m NylonNS 1000pk PSeparation & Preparation 14,357.00 

SLGNX13NLOvermolded Millex13 0.20Nylon NS 100PK PSeparation & Preparation 2,146.00 

SLGNX13TLMillex GN 13mm Nylon 0.20um Non SteSeparation & Preparation 2,185.00 

SLGP033NBMillex-GP 33mm PES .22um NS 250PKSeparation & Preparation 6,399.00 

SLGP033NKMillex-GP 33mm PES .22um NS 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 16,180.00 

SLGP033NSMillexGP 33mm PES .22um NS 50pkSeparation & Preparation 1,813.00 

SLGP033RBMillex-GP 33mm PES .22um Sterile 250/pkSeparation & Preparation 5,958.00 

SLGP033RKMilx GP 33mm, 0.2um PES, Sterile, 1000pkSeparation & Preparation 15,082.00 

SLGP033RSMillex-GP 33mm PES .22um Sterile 50/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,450.00 

SLGP05010Millex-GP 50mm PES .22um Sterile HB/HB 1Separation & Preparation 1,705.00 

SLGPB5010Millex-GP 50mm PES .22um Sterile HB/HB wSeparation & Preparation 2,009.00 

SLGPM33RSMillex-GP 33mm PES .22um Sterile 50/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,450.00 

SLGPX13NKOvermolded Millex 13, 0.22m PES, NSSeparation & Preparation 13,916.00 

SLGPX13NLOvermolded Millex13 0.22m PES NS 100PK GSeparation & Preparation 2,127.00 

SLGS0250SMILLEX-GS 25 STERIL 50/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,421.00 

SLGS02510Millex-GS 25mm MCE .22um Non-sterilSeparation & Preparation 21,932.00 

SLGS025NBMillexGS 25mm MCE .22um NS 250pkSeparation & Preparation 5,851.00 

SLGS033SBMillex 33mm MCE .22um Sterile 250/pkSeparation & Preparation 5,233.00 

SLGS033SSMillex 33mm MCE .22um Sterile 50/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,431.00 

SLGSM33SSMillex 33mm MCE .22um Sterile FDA ListedSeparation & Preparation 1,382.00 

SLGSV255FMillex 25mm MCE .22um Sterile w/ VentedSeparation & Preparation 2,117.00 

SLGV004SLMillex 4mm Durapore PVDF .22um Sterile 1Separation & Preparation 2,254.00 

SLGV013NLMillexGV 13mmDuraporePVDF .22um NS 100PKSeparation & Preparation 2,078.00 

SLGV013SLMillex 13mm Durapore PVDF .22um SterileSeparation & Preparation 2,538.00 

SLGV025LSMILLEX GV 25MM STERILE 50/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,431.00 

SLGV033NBMillexGV 33mm DuraporePVDF.22um NS 250pkSeparation & Preparation 5,929.00 

SLGV033NKMillexGV33mm DuraporePVDF.22um NS 1000pkSeparation & Preparation 14,984.00 

SLGV033NSMillex-GV 33mmDurapore PVDF .22umNS 50PKSeparation & Preparation 1,676.00 

SLGV033RBMillex 33mm Durapore PVDF .22um SterileSeparation & Preparation 5,958.00 

SLGV033RKMilx GV 33mm 0.2um PVDF, Sterile, 1000pkSeparation & Preparation 15,082.00 

SLGV033RSMillex 33mm Durapore PVDF .22um SterileSeparation & Preparation 1,450.00 

SLGV10EBCBayer .2um Steriv Analyz FilterSeparation & Preparation 6,987.00 

SLGVM33RSMillex 33mm Durapore PVDF .22um SterileSeparation & Preparation 1,401.00 

SLGVR04NKMillexGV 4mmDurapore PVDF .22umNS 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 14,847.00 

SLGVR04NLMillexGV 4mm DuraporePVDF .22um NS 100pkSeparation & Preparation 1,588.00 

SLGVS25LSMillex 25mm Durapel PVDF .22um SterileSeparation & Preparation 3,499.00 

SLGVS25PSDualexPlus TP 25mmDurapel PVDF .22umSterSeparation & Preparation 911.00 

SLGVS25USDualex Ultra TP 25mm Durapel PVDF .22umSeparation & Preparation 911.00 

SLGVS25XSDualexMillex25mmDurapel PVDF .22um SteriSeparation & Preparation 902.00 

SLGVX13NKOvermoldedMillex 13 0.22m PVDF NS 1Kpk YSeparation & Preparation 14,279.00 

SLGVX13NLOvermolded Millex 13, 0.22m PVDF, NS..Separation & Preparation 2,264.00 

SLGVX13TLMillex GV 13mm Durapore PVDF .22umSeparation & Preparation 2,352.00 

SLHA02510MillexHA 25mm MCE .45um NS 1000pkSeparation & Preparation 18,885.00 

SLHA025NBMillexHA 25mm MCE .45um NS 250pkSeparation & Preparation 5,851.00 

SLHA033SBMillex 33mm MCE .45um Sterile 250/pkSeparation & Preparation 5,253.00 

SLHA033SSMillex 33mm MCE .45um Sterile 50/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,441.00 

SLHAM33SSMillex 33mm MCE .45um Sterile FDA ListedSeparation & Preparation 1,382.00 

SLHN013NLMillex-HN 13mm Nylon .45um Non-sterSeparation & Preparation 1,960.00 

SLHN033NBMILLEX .45UM NYL33MM 250NSSeparation & Preparation 6,595.00 

SLHN033NKMillexHN 33mm Nylon .45um NS 1000pkSeparation & Preparation 15,494.00 

SLHN033NSMILLEX .45UM NYL33MM 50NSSeparation & Preparation 1,784.00 

SLHNBZ5NKAC Millex 25mm Nylon/APFB .45um NonSeparation & Preparation 22,324.00 

SLHNBZ5NZAC Millex 25mm Nylon/APFB .45um NonSeparation & Preparation 5,949.00 

SLHNDZ5NKAC Millex 25mm Nylon .45um NS 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 18,591.00 

SLHNDZ5NZAC Millex 25mm Nylon .45um Non-sterSeparation & Preparation 5,204.00 

SLHNM25NKMillex-HPF HN 25mm Nylon .45um NS 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 19,081.00 

SLHNM25NSMillex-HPF HN 25mm Nylon .45um NS 50PKSeparation & Preparation 1,578.00 

SLHNMZ5NZAC Millex HPF 25mm Nyon .45um Non-sSeparation & Preparation 6,017.00 

SLHNX13NKOvermoldedMillex13 .45mNylon NS 1000pk PSeparation & Preparation 14,063.00 

SLHNX13NLOvermoldedMillex 13 .45mNylon NS 100pk PSeparation & Preparation 2,146.00 

SLHNX13TLMillex HN 13mm Nylon 0.45um Non-SteSeparation & Preparation 2,185.00 

SLHP033NBMillex-HP 33mm PES .45um NS 250PKSeparation & Preparation 6,399.00 

SLHP033NKMillex-HP 33mm PES .45um NS 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 16,180.00 

SLHP033NSMillexHP 33mm PES .45um NS 50pkSeparation & Preparation 1,813.00 

SLHP033RBMillex-HP 33mm PES .45µm Sterile 250/pkSeparation & Preparation 5,958.00 

SLHP033RSMillex-HP 33mm PES .45µm Sterile 50/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,450.00 

SLHPM33RSMillex-HP 33mm PES .45µm Sterile 50/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,450.00 

SLHPTPPNSMillex-HP 33mm PES .45um non-sterilSeparation & Preparation 1,000.00 

SLHPX13NKOvermolded Millex 13, 0.45m PES, NSSeparation & Preparation 13,916.00 

SLHPX13NLOvermolded Millex 13, 0.45m PES, NSSeparation & Preparation 2,127.00 

SLHV004SLMillex 4mm Durapore PVDF .45um Sterile 1Separation & Preparation 2,254.00 

SLHV013NKMillex-HV 13mm Durapore PVDF .45umSeparation & Preparation 13,348.00 

SLHV013SLMillex 13mm Durapore PVDF .45um SterileSeparation & Preparation 2,764.00 

SLHV025NBMillex-HV 25mm Durapore PVDF .45umSeparation & Preparation 5,645.00 

SLHV025NKMillex-HV 25mm Durapore PVDF .45umSeparation & Preparation 14,220.00 

SLHV025NSMillex-HV 25mm Durapore PVDF .45umSeparation & Preparation 1,597.00 

SLHV033NBMillexHV 33mm DuraporePVDF.45um NS 250pkSeparation & Preparation 5,929.00 

SLHV033NKMillexHV33mm DuraporePVDF.45um NS 1000pkSeparation & Preparation 14,984.00 

SLHV033NSMillexHV 33mm DuraporePVDF .45um NS 50pkSeparation & Preparation 1,676.00 

SLHV033RBMillex 33mm Durapore PVDF .45um SterileSeparation & Preparation 6,174.00 

SLHV033RKMilx HV, 33mm, 0.45um PVDF, SterileSeparation & Preparation 15,082.00 

SLHV033RSMillex 33mm Durapore PVDF .45um SterileSeparation & Preparation 1,450.00 

SLHV10EBCSterivex-HV AnalyFilt 0.45umBARB/MLLSeparation & Preparation 7,791.00 

SLHVBZ5NKAC Millex 25mm Durapore PVDF/APFBSeparation & Preparation 22,324.00 

SLHVBZ5NZAC Millex 25mm Durapore PVDF/APFBSeparation & Preparation 5,949.00 

SLHVDZ5NKAC Millex 25mm Durapore PVDF .45umSeparation & Preparation 18,591.00 

SLHVDZ5NZAC Millex 25mmDuraporePVDF .45umNS 200PKSeparation & Preparation 5,204.00 

SLHVM25NKMillexHPF HV25mmDuraporePVDF.45umNS 1KpkSeparation & Preparation 18,532.00 

SLHVM25NSMillexHPF HV25mmDuraporePVDF.45umNS 50pkSeparation & Preparation 1,519.00 

SLHVM33RSMillex 33mm Durapore PVDF .45um SteSeparation & Preparation 1,401.00 

SLHVMZ5NZAC Millex HPF 25mm Durapore PVDF .4Separation & Preparation 6,017.00 

SLHVR04NKMillexHV 4mmDurapore PVDF .45umNS 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 14,847.00 

SLHVR04NLMillexHV 4mm DuraporePVDF .45um NS 100pkSeparation & Preparation 1,588.00 

SLHVT13NLMillex-HV 13mm Durapore PVDF .45umSeparation & Preparation 2,274.00 

SLHVX13NKOvermoldedMillex 13 0.45mPVDF NS1000pk YSeparation & Preparation 14,151.00 

SLHVX13NLOvermoldedMillex 13 0.45mPVDF NS 100PK YSeparation & Preparation 2,264.00 

SLHVX13TLMillex HV 13mm Durapore PVDF .45um NonStSeparation & Preparation 2,352.00 

SLLG013SLMillex-LG 13mm PTFE .2um Sterile 100/pkSeparation & Preparation 2,940.00 

SLLG025SSMillex-LG 25mm PTFE .2um Sterile 50/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,813.00 

SLLGC13NLMillexLG13mmPhilicPTFE.2umNS ICCert100pkSeparation & Preparation 2,146.00 

SLLGC25NSMillexLG25mmPhilicPTFE .2umNS ICCert50pkSeparation & Preparation 1,803.00 

SLLGDZ5NKAC MILLEX 25MM PHILIC PTFE .2UM NONSeparation & Preparation 17,699.00 

SLLGDZ5NZAC MILLEX 25MM PHILIC PTFE .2UM NONSeparation & Preparation 4,959.00 

SLLGH13NKMillex-LG 13mmPhilic PTFE .2um NS 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 10,123.00 

SLLGH13NLMillexLG 13mm Philic PTFE .2um NS 100pkSeparation & Preparation 1,558.00 

SLLGH25NBMillexLG 25mm Philic PTFE .2um NS 250pkSeparation & Preparation 4,224.00 

SLLGH25NKMillex-LG 25mmPhilic PTFE .2um NS 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 15,357.00 

SLLGH25NSMillex-LG 25mm Philic PTFE .2um NS50PKSeparation & Preparation 1,215.00 

SLLGM25NKMILLEX HPF LG 25MM PHILIC PTFE .2UMSeparation & Preparation 22,060.00 

SLLGM25NSMILLEX HPF LG 25MM PHILIC PTFE .2UMSeparation & Preparation 1,627.00 

SLLGR04NLMillexLG 4mm Philic PTFE .2um NS 100pkSeparation & Preparation 1,588.00 

SLLHC13NLMillexLH13mmPhilicPTFE.45umNSICCert100pkSeparation & Preparation 2,117.00 

SLLHC25NSMillexLH25mmPhilicPTFE.45umNS ICCert50pkSeparation & Preparation 1,754.00 

SLLHH13NKMillex-LH 13mmPhilic PTFE .45umNS 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 16,190.00 

SLLHR04NKMillex-LH 4mm Philic PTFE .45um NonSeparation & Preparation 15,151.00 

SLLHR04NLMillex-LH 4mm Philic PTFE .45um NS 100PKSeparation & Preparation 1,568.00 

SLLS025NSMillexLS 25mm Phobic PTFE 5um NS 50pkSeparation & Preparation 1,970.00 

SLM-020-ADMEM w/4.5 g/L Glucose, L-Glut, 1 LiterDetection Solutions 351.00 

SLM-020-BDMEM w/4.5 g/L Glucose, L-Glut, 500mlDetection Solutions 199.00 

SLM-021-BDMEM w/ 4.5 g/L Glucose, 500mlDetection Solutions 199.00 

SLM-063-BIMDM w/ HEPES, Na Bicarb & L-Glut, 500mlDetection Solutions 328.00 

SLM-120-BDMEM w/ high Gluc, L-Glut, NaHCO3, 500mlDetection Solutions 234.00 

SLM-121-BCustom-DMEM w/ 4.5g/L Glc, Glut, 500 mLDetection Solutions 1,521.00 

SLM-140-BRPMI 1640 Media w/ HEPES & L-Glut, 500mlDetection Solutions 328.00 

SLM-202-BDMEM 2X w/ 4.5 g/L Gluc, L-Glut, 500mlDetection Solutions 421.00 

SLM-220-BDMEM w/4.5g/L Gluc, Sodium Bicarb, 500mlDetection Solutions 234.00 

SLM-220-MDMEM w/4.5 g/L Glucose, NaHCO3, 400mlDetection Solutions 269.00 

SLMP025SSMillex-GP 25mm PES .22um Sterile FDA LisSeparation & Preparation 1,597.00 

SLMPL25SSMillex-GP 25mm PES .22um Sterile w/ LuerSeparation & Preparation 1,607.00 

SLPBDZ5NKAC Millex 25mm APFB 1um NS 1000pkSeparation & Preparation 18,591.00 

SLPBDZ5NZAC Millex 25mm  APFB 1um NS 200PKSeparation & Preparation 5,204.00 

SLSKS9624Montage Sequencing ReactionCleanupKit w/Separation & Preparation 14,769.00 

SLST025DMHydromillex 25mm Striped PTFE 0.22um NonSeparation & Preparation 6,439.00 

SLSV025LSMillex 25mm Durapore PVDF 5um Sterile 50Separation & Preparation 1,490.00 

SLSV025NBMillexSV 25mm Durapore PVDF 5um NS 250pkSeparation & Preparation 6,086.00 

SLTEST000Integrity Test Kit for small volume deviSeparation & Preparation 2,087.00 

SLVP07550PVDF 5um 75mm 50/packSeparation & Preparation 2,313.00 

SLVV033RSMillex 33mm Durapore PVDF 0.1um SterileSeparation & Preparation 1,450.00 

SLVVM33RSMillex33mmDuraporePVDF .1umSterile FDA LSeparation & Preparation 1,421.00 

SM-2001-C0.25% Trypsin in HBSS w/o Ca & Mg, 100mlDetection Solutions 152.00 

SM-2002-C0.05% Trypsin &0.5mM EDTA in HBSS, 100mlDetection Solutions 152.00 

SM-2003-C0.25% Trypsin & 1mM EDTA in HBSS, 100mlDetection Solutions 152.00 

SM-2004-C0.025% Trypsin & 0.75mM EDTA PBS, 100mlDetection Solutions 152.00 

SMEP0470WMCE 5.0UM 47MM EDGE PHOBIC 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,842.00 

SMSABMSample management-BMBiopharm Services -   

SMSAGMPSample management-GMPBiopharm Services -   

SMSAIMSample management-IMBiopharm Services -   

SMSAPDSample management-PDBiopharm Services -   

SMSAPKSample management-PKBiopharm Services -   

SMWP01300MCE 5.0UM WH PL 13MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 823.00 

SMWP0190RMCE 5.0UM WH PL 19X42MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,558.00 

SMWP02500MCE 5.0UM WH PL 25MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 980.00 

SMWP03700Grav Anay Filter .5 MCE w/Thin Pad 100PkSeparation & Preparation 1,382.00 

SMWP04700MCE 5.0UM WH PL 47MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,343.00 

SMWP09025MCE 5.0UM WH PL 90MM 25/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,078.00 

SMWP14250MCE 5.0UM WH PL 142MM 50/PKSeparation & Preparation 3,077.00 

SNAP2BASESnap i.d. 2.0 BaseDetection Solutions 12,740.00 

SNAP2BHMD0100Snap i.d. 2.0 Midi Blot Holders (100/pk)Detection Solutions 2,940.00 

SNAP2BHMN0100Snap i.d. 2.0 Mini Blot Holders (100/pk)Detection Solutions 2,450.00 

SNAP2FRMD01SnapI.D. 2.0MidiBlotHoldngFrame(SinglePkDetection Solutions 980.00 

SNAP2FRMD02SnapI.D. 2.0MidiBlotHoldngFrame(DoublePkDetection Solutions 1,960.00 

SNAP2FRMN01SnapI.D. 2.0MiniBlotHoldngFrame(SinglePkDetection Solutions 980.00 

SNAP2FRMN02SnapI.D. 2.0MiniBlotHoldngFrame(DoublePkDetection Solutions 1,960.00 

SNAP2MIDISNAP i.d. 2.0 ProteinDetect*temMidiDetection Solutions 14,700.00 

SNAP2MINISNAP i.d. 2.0 ProteinDetect*temMiniDetection Solutions 14,700.00 

SNAP2MAP i.d. 2.0 Prot Detect*Mini&MidiDetection Solutions 14,700.00 

SNAP2RLSnap i.d. 2.0 Blot RollerDetection Solutions 49.00 

SNAPABTRSnap i.d. 2.0AntibodyCollectionTray(20pkDetection Solutions 216.00 

SNAPBASICSNAP i.d. Basic KitDetection Solutions 5,870.00 

SNAPSTARTSNAP i.d. Starter KitDetection Solutions 11,260.00 

SOTSAGMPStatement of Testing/CoA-GMPBiopharm Services -   

SPGPM10RJSteripak-GP10 PES .22um RS 2-stack 3/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,186.00 

SPGPM20RJSteripak-GP20 PES .22um RS 4-stack 3/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,666.00 

SPGS0255WOptex GS 25mm MCE .22um Sterile 50/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,411.00 

SPR065Milliplex Human Cytokine Kit with MPODetection Solutions 43,290.00 

SPR087Milliplex Human MIP-1 bead SetDetection Solutions 45,747.00 

SPR098Milliplex Human IL-8 Bead SetDetection Solutions 45,747.00 

SPR100Milliplex Human IL-4 Bead SetDetection Solutions 45,747.00 

SPR12820X Hu Sepsis Panel 2 Det AbDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR12920X Hu Sepsis Panel 3 Det AbDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR13711-Plx Magnetic Human Cytokine PanelDetection Solutions 30,128.00 

SPR141Milliplex Human IL-1A Bead SetDetection Solutions 45,747.00 

SPR142Milliplex Human IL-12p40 Bead SetDetection Solutions 45,747.00 

SPR143Milliplex Human IL-12p70 Bead SetDetection Solutions 45,747.00 

SPR152V8GLP Iodination  <3 uCiDetection Solutions 1,287.00 

SPR155Milliplex Human GM-CSF Bead SetDetection Solutions 45,747.00 

SPR15815-Plx MAG Hu Cytokine/Th17 PanelDetection Solutions 36,563.00 

SPR1617-Plx MAG Mouse Cytokine PanelDetection Solutions 23,166.00 

SPR167Milliplex Human MCP-1 Bead SetDetection Solutions 45,747.00 

SPR17110-Plex Human Cytokine Milliplex KitDetection Solutions 31,473.00 

SPR173125I-DPI Synthesis < 500 uCiDetection Solutions 36,153.00 

SPR181Milliplex Human MIP-1A Bead SetDetection Solutions 45,747.00 

SPR214ACynolgA-50X BeadDetection Solutions 40,950.00 

SPR214BCynolgG-50X BeadDetection Solutions 40,950.00 

SPR214CCynolgM-50X BeadDetection Solutions 40,950.00 

SPR214MABead Conjugate #45 Mag Bead Conj wiDetection Solutions 39,663.00 

SPR214MBBead Conjugate#22 Mag Bead w/CynolgG 50XDetection Solutions 39,663.00 

SPR214MCBead Conjugate - #26 Mag Bead ConjuDetection Solutions 39,663.00 

SPR2156-Plex Mouse Adipokine PanelDetection Solutions 23,166.00 

SPR218ABead ConjugateDetection Solutions 40,950.00 

SPR218BBead ConjugateDetection Solutions 40,950.00 

SPR23310-Plex Human Cyto/Adipokine PanelDetection Solutions 30,420.00 

SPR246B5mg Polyclonal Gt anti-AVE0010 AntibodyDetection Solutions 54,171.00 

SPR246C1mg Polyclonal Gt-anti-AVE0010 antibodyDetection Solutions 7,839.00 

SPR2522L Leptin Assay BufferDetection Solutions 11,349.00 

SPR270AMilliplex Primate IL-1beta Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR270BMilliplex Primate IL-2 Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR270CMilliplex Primate IL-4 Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR270DMilliplex Primate IL-5 Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR270EMilliplex Primate IL-6 Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR270FMilliplex Primate VEGF Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR270GMilliplex Primate TGF-a Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR270HMilliplex Primate MIP-1b Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR270IMilliplex Primate RANTES Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR270NMilliplex Primate MCP-1 Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR270PMilliplex Primate TNF-a Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR270RMilliplex Primate GM-CSF Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR270SMilliplex Primate IL-8 Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR270TMilliplex Human GRO-a Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR270UMilliplex Human IL-9 Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR270VMilliplex Human MDC Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR270WMilliplex Human TNF-b Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR270XMilliplex Primate G-CSF Bead SetDetection Solutions 22,230.00 

SPR2772-Plex Human Cytokine PanelDetection Solutions 11,466.00 

SPR286CAGIP Capture AntibodyDetection Solutions 293,202.00 

SPR286STHuman GIP StandardDetection Solutions 7,254.00 

SPR289SA-PE CustomDetection Solutions 1,989.00 

SPR2914-Plex Human Apo/NDG Milliplex Mag KitDetection Solutions 13,806.00 

SPR293Human Cytokine Standard CocktailDetection Solutions 9,243.00 

SPR300Milliplex Rat BDNF KitDetection Solutions 11,583.00 

SPR301AMouse IL-12p70 BeadMateDetection Solutions 71,604.00 

SPR301BMouse TNF-a BeadMateDetection Solutions 71,604.00 

SPR301CMouse IFN-g BeadMateDetection Solutions 71,604.00 

SPR301DMouse IL-1b BeadMateDetection Solutions 71,604.00 

SPR301EMouse IL-17 BeadMateDetection Solutions 71,604.00 

SPR301FMouse IL-6 MapMateDetection Solutions 71,604.00 

SPR301GMouse IL-23 MapMateDetection Solutions 71,604.00 

SPR301HMouse MIP-3b MapMateDetection Solutions 71,604.00 

SPR301KMouse IL-4 MapMateDetection Solutions 71,604.00 

SPR301LMouse IL-1 alpha MapMateDetection Solutions 71,604.00 

SPR305AAnti Mouse IL-2-BT 20XDetection Solutions 16,614.00 

SPR305BAnti Mouse IL-6-BT 20XDetection Solutions 16,614.00 

SPR305CAnti Mouse IL-10-BT 20XDetection Solutions 16,614.00 

SPR305DAnti Mouse IP-10-BT 20XDetection Solutions 16,614.00 

SPR305EAnti Mouse Rantes-BT 20XDetection Solutions 16,614.00 

SPR3103-Plex Milliplex Mag Human CytokinePanelDetection Solutions 17,901.00 

SPR3124-Plex Rat Gut Hormone Panel - Jumbo PKGDetection Solutions 62,829.00 

SPR316MILLIPLEX Human Glucagon KitDetection Solutions 6,318.00 

SPR317#02 Bead Conjugate with 05-1338Detection Solutions 37,908.00 

SPR317A#09 Bead Conjugate with 05-1338Detection Solutions 34,281.00 

SPR318Biotinylated 05-928Detection Solutions 49,959.00 

SPR3209-Plex MAG Human Metabolic/CytokineDetection Solutions 27,729.00 

SPR320L10Detection Antibody CocktailDetection Solutions 5,382.00 

SPR3249-Plex Human Growth Factor Milliplex KitDetection Solutions 32,760.00 

SPR325Milliplex NHP IL-18 Bead SetDetection Solutions 42,354.00 

SPR325MNHP IL-18 MAG MAPmateDetection Solutions 45,747.00 

SPR327500ml ELISA Assay BufferDetection Solutions 11,349.00 

SPR328AMilliplex Hu ApoA1 MapMateDetection Solutions 21,060.00 

SPR328BMilliplex Hu ApoA2 MapMateDetection Solutions 21,060.00 

SPR328CMilliplex Hu ApoB MapMateDetection Solutions 21,060.00 

SPR328DMilliplex Hu ApoC2 MapMateDetection Solutions 21,060.00 

SPR328EMilliplex Hu ApoC3 MapMateDetection Solutions 21,060.00 

SPR328FMilliplex Hu ApoE MapMateDetection Solutions 21,060.00 

SPR3335-Plex Human Growth Factor Milliplex KitDetection Solutions 21,060.00 

SPR334AGoat Anti-Lantus AntibodyDetection Solutions 19,890.00 

SPR334BGP Anti-Lantus AntibodyDetection Solutions 19,890.00 

SPR336Milliplex Rat/MS Sclerostin KitDetection Solutions 5,967.00 

SPR338Mag Hu IL-1ra RD MAPMATEDetection Solutions 39,663.00 

SPR3404-Plex Human Cytokine Milliplex KitDetection Solutions 18,720.00 

SPR34113-Plex Human Cytokine Milliplex KitDetection Solutions 34,632.00 

SPR3432-Plex Human CVD/Cytokine Milliplex KitDetection Solutions 15,093.00 

SPR345Milliplex DKK-1 KitDetection Solutions 5,967.00 

SPR346Hu Leptin Standard Set (for ELISA)Detection Solutions 13,221.00 

SPR347A#48 Bead Conjugate to Anti-CL (PAB-1)Detection Solutions 26,442.00 

SPR347B#77 Bead Conjugate to Anti-101-8 (PAB-2)Detection Solutions 26,442.00 

SPR348Milliplex HU SOST (Sclerostin) KitDetection Solutions 5,967.00 

SPR3497-Plex Human CVD/Cytokine Milliplex KitDetection Solutions 23,751.00 

SPR353Glucagon RIA KitDetection Solutions 4,329.00 

SPR353L10Detection AntibodyDetection Solutions 1,521.00 

SPR35710-Plex Human Cytokine Milliplex KitDetection Solutions 29,835.00 

SPR35812-Plex Human Cytokine Milliplex KitDetection Solutions 33,696.00 

SPR366Milliplex Rat/MS FGF-23 KitDetection Solutions 7,020.00 

SPR3802-Plex HCYTO SKIN Extract Kit ServiceDetection Solutions 150,228.00 

SPR38214-Plex Human Cytokine/Metabolic HoDetection Solutions 38,493.00 

SPR3849-Plex Magnetic Human Cytokine KitDetection Solutions 27,963.00 

SPR39113-Plex Milliplex Human Cytokine PanelDetection Solutions 29,133.00 

SPR39823-Plex PMX Mag Human Cyto PanelDetection Solutions 52,884.00 

SPR400Milliplex Magnetic Human RANKL KitDetection Solutions 6,318.00 

SPR4026-Plex Magnetic Mouse Cytokine PanelDetection Solutions 21,411.00 

SPR40615-Plex High Senstivity Mouse CytokDetection Solutions 403,767.00 

SPR40715-Plex MPX Mouse HS Cyto MAG PanelDetection Solutions 40,599.00 

SPR4085-Plex Premixed MAG Human CytokineDetection Solutions 14,742.00 

SPR4096-Plex Premixed Mag Human CytokineDetection Solutions 16,848.00 

SPR415Milliplex Analysis ServiceDetection Solutions 2,223.00 

SPR4199-Plex MAG Human Cytokine/SepsisDetection Solutions 14,742.00 

SPR42016-Plex Premixed MAG Human CytokineDetection Solutions 33,696.00 

SPR4268-plex Mag Multi-species Gut Hormone KitDetection Solutions 365,391.00 

SPR4278-Plx MAG Multi-Specides Gut HormoneDetection Solutions 20,007.00 

SPR4294-Plx Human Cancer Biomarker MAG PanelDetection Solutions 17,433.00 

SPR4313-Plx MAG Cancer Panel for SkinDetection Solutions 16,848.00 

SPR43510-Plex Human Skin/HNDG PanelDetection Solutions 33,345.00 

SPR436Testosterone MAPmateDetection Solutions 44,460.00 

SPR4374-Plex Human CVD1 PanelDetection Solutions 11,817.00 

SPR43931-Plx MAG Human Cytokine/Th17 PanelDetection Solutions 58,968.00 

SPR44034-Plx MAG Human Cytokine/Th17 PanelDetection Solutions 62,595.00 

SPR4439-Plx Poly Hu Endo/Gut Hormone KitDetection Solutions 23,985.00 

SPR443M9-Plx MAG Hu Endo/Gut Hormone KitDetection Solutions 23,985.00 

SPR444HU COMPLEX II MAPMATEDetection Solutions 52,884.00 

SPR4487-Plx MAG Cytokine PanelDetection Solutions 23,693.00 

SPR4534-Plx Human MAG CVD/Cyto PanelDetection Solutions 23,985.00 

SPRBDLINKBead ConjugateDetection Solutions 46,332.00 

SPRBDLINK13#48 Bead Conjugation of DBPADetection Solutions 26,442.00 

SPRBDLINK14#77 Bead Conjugation of OSPCDetection Solutions 26,442.00 

SPRBDLINK15#09 Bead Conjugation of C-6 PeptideDetection Solutions 26,442.00 

SPRBDLINK19#33-Bead Conjugation of Bcl-2Detection Solutions 40,950.00 

SPRBDLINK20#20 - Bead Conjugation of TrenboloneDetection Solutions 29,250.00 

SPRBKEGLPEGLP-35K-BULKDetection Solutions 5,148.00 

SPRBL10148Mouse 8-Plex   5 Kits - Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 18,135.00 

SPRBL10503Human 3-Plex - 7 Kits - Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 9,126.00 

SPRBL11003Human 11-Plex Six Kit - Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 23,517.00 

SPRBL12050Human 20-Plex -1 Kit Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 36,153.00 

SPRBL190005Human 5-Plex Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 12,987.00 

SPRBL19050Human 19-Plex originally SPRBL12050Detection Solutions 34,866.00 

SPRBL24005Human 24-Plex Custom Assay Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 40,950.00 

SPRBL29003Human 28-plex BioLegend SPRDetection Solutions 45,747.00 

SPRBL36012Human 3-Plx - beads/Biotin BiolegendDetection Solutions 936.00 

SPRBL36127Human 7 Plex - BiolegendDetection Solutions 16,848.00 

SPRBL40001Human 3-Plex  - 3 Kits   Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 9,126.00 

SPRBL40006Human 4-Plex - 9 Kits - Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 10,881.00 

SPRBL50566Human Single Plex-11 Kits Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 5,733.00 

SPRBL70012Human 7-Plex - 4 Kits Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 16,263.00 

SPRBL72003Human 3-Plex - 1 Kit   Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 9,126.00 

SPRBL75400Custom 7-Plex Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 16,263.00 

SPRBL83103Human 3 plex Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 9,126.00 

SPRBL91123Mouse 5-Plex Custom Assay - 2 PlatesDetection Solutions 24,687.00 

SPRBL91125Human Single Plex - BioLegend SPR - 5XDetection Solutions 3,627.00 

SPRBL91239Human 18-Plex - 3 Kits Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 33,696.00 

SPRBL91321Human 4-Plex - 5 Kits Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 10,881.00 

SPRBL91335Human 1-Plex - 10 Kits     Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 5,733.00 

SPRBL91374Human 19-plex Custom Assay-Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 23,868.00 

SPRBL91437Human 7-plex Custom Assay-Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 13,221.00 

SPRBL91438Human Single Plex Custom Assay-BiolDetection Solutions 4,212.00 

SPRBL91545Human 6-Plex   Five Kits - Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 14,508.00 

SPRBL91566Human 3-Plex   Five Kits - Biolegend SPRDetection Solutions 7,254.00 

SPRBL91662Rat 2-Plex Custom Assay - 5 KitsDetection Solutions 7,254.00 

SPRCIL4MAGMagnetic Anti-Canine IL-4 BeadDetection Solutions 2,340.00 

SPRCOACertificate of AnalysisDetection Solutions 12,051.00 

SPREZGRA88BKHuman Ghrelin Active ELISA Kit-Bulk PkgDetection Solutions 5,733.00 

SPREZGRT89BKHuman Ghrelin Total ELISA Kit Bulk Pkg.Detection Solutions 5,733.00 

SPREZHAT51BKHuman Amylin Total ELISA 10 kit bulk pkgDetection Solutions 51,129.00 

SPREZHCP20BKHuman C-Peptide ELISA Kit-BULK PACKAGINGDetection Solutions 4,914.00 

SPREZHFGF23BKHuman FGF-23 ELISA Kit - Bulk PackagingDetection Solutions 7,605.00 

SPREZHPYYT66BKHuman PYY Total ELISA Kit-BULK PACKAGINGDetection Solutions 6,084.00 

SPRFCYT0-20KFeline Cytokine/Chemokine PanelDetection Solutions 35,802.00 

SPRFEEBead Mixing Service Fee (SPR228)Detection Solutions 1,287.00 

SPRFEND0-25KFeline Endocrine PanelDetection Solutions 15,971.00 

SPRFEND0-25K1RESFeline Resistin Single Plex KitDetection Solutions 6,026.00 

SPRHIL2RA-MAGMAGNETIC Anti-Human IL-2RA BeadDetection Solutions 2,223.00 

SPRHND1MG39K066-Plx MAG Hu Neurological Disorders KitDetection Solutions 14,625.00 

SPRIDN3IodinationDetection Solutions 24,102.00 

SPRPMX117-Plex Premixed HU Cytokine MillipDetection Solutions 36,153.00 

SPRPMX1310-Plex Premixed NHP Cytokine MilliDetection Solutions 24,687.00 

SPRPMX1621-Plex Premixed HU Cytokine MillipDetection Solutions 40,950.00 

SPRPMX16BD21-Plex Premixed HU Cytokine MillipDetection Solutions 2,925.00 

SPRPMX1812-Plex Premixed Human Cytokine MilDetection Solutions 32,526.00 

SPRPMX1919-Plex Premixed Human Cytokine MilDetection Solutions 38,493.00 

SPRPMX19BD19-Plex Premixed Human Cytokine MilDetection Solutions 36,738.00 

SPRPMX2120-Plex Premixed Human Cytokine MilDetection Solutions 39,663.00 

SPRPMX247-Plex Premixed Human Cytokine MillDetection Solutions 18,954.00 

SPRPMX277-Plex Premixed Mouse Cytokine MillDetection Solutions 18,954.00 

SPRPMX28Milliplex Premixed High SensitivityDetection Solutions 25,857.00 

SPRPMX3212-Plex Premixed Human Cytokine MilDetection Solutions 27,963.00 

SPRPMX3514-Plex Premixed Human Cytokine MilDetection Solutions 31,356.00 

SPRPMX3813-Plex Premixed Human Cytokine MilDetection Solutions 29,484.00 

SPRPMX49-Plex Premixed HU Cytokine MilliplDetection Solutions 22,581.00 

SPRPMX409-Plex Premixed Human Cytokine MillDetection Solutions 22,581.00 

SPRPMX4613-Plex Premixed MAG Human CytokineDetection Solutions 29,250.00 

SPRPMX4810-Plex Premixed Non-Human PrimateDetection Solutions 24,687.00 

SPRPMX497-Plex Premixed Human Cytokine MillDetection Solutions 18,954.00 

SPRPMX525-Plex Premix Human Cyto MAG PanelDetection Solutions 45,162.00 

SPRPMX505-Plex Milliplex Premixed Human NeurodegDetection Solutions 14,742.00 

SPRPMX512-Plex Milliplex Premixed Human AdiDetection Solutions 9,711.00 

SPRPMX526-Plex Milliplex Premixed Human CytDetection Solutions 16,848.00 

SPRPMX5314-Plex Premixed Human Cytokine MilDetection Solutions 31,356.00 

SPRPMX559-Plex Premixed Human Cytokine PanelDetection Solutions 22,581.00 

SPRPMX588-Plex Premixed Human Cyto Mag PanelDetection Solutions 20,475.00 

SPRPMX5NM25-Plx Premix Human Cyto PanelDetection Solutions 45,981.00 

SPRPMX605-Plex MPX PMX Hu Cyto MAG PanelDetection Solutions 14,742.00 

SPRPMX612-Plex MPX PreM Hu Cyto MAG PanelDetection Solutions 9,711.00 

SPRPMX625-Plex MPX PreM Hu MMP Panel 2Detection Solutions 14,742.00 

SPRPMX632-Plex Mpx PreM Hu MMP Panel 2Detection Solutions 9,711.00 

SPRPMX811-Plex Premixed HU Cytokine MillipDetection Solutions 26,442.00 


SRGUAVA01Guava Instrument Repair (non-servicDetection Solutions 16,915.00 

SRGUAVAPMPM Visit Non-Service ContractDetection Solutions 31,356.00 

SRI-13KSensitiveRat InsulinRIA250 TubeKit <3uCiDetection Solutions 4,212.00 

SRI-13K-USens. Rat Insulin Kit-UNFINISHEDDetection Solutions 3,335.00 

SRI-13L1Sensitive Rat Insulin AssayBiopharm Services 142.00 

SSABMSPR BM Biacore Sample AnalysisBiopharm Services -   

SSAGMPSPR GMP Biacore Sample AnalysisBiopharm Services -   

SSAIMT1SPR IM Biacore Sample Analsis Tier 1Biopharm Services -   

SSAIMT2SPR IM  Biacore Sample Analsis Tier 2Biopharm Services -   

SSAIMT3SPRIM Biacore Sample Analsis Tier 3Biopharm Services -   

SSAPKSPR PK Biacore Sample AnalysisBiopharm Services -   

SSEP0470WMCE 3.0UM 47MM EDGE PHOBIC 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 4,684.00 

SSWP01300MCE 3.0UM WH PL 13MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 823.00 

SSWP02500MCE 3.0UM WH PL 25MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 980.00 

SSWP04700MCE 3.0UM WH PL 47MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,343.00 

SSWP09025MCE 3.0UM WH PL 90MM 25/PKSeparation & Preparation 823.00 

SSWP14250MCE 3.0UM WH PL 142MM 50/PKSeparation & Preparation 3,077.00 

SSWPC0100MCE 3um White Plain 86x140mmSeparation & Preparation 3,371.00 

STORAGE-LASSample StorageBiopharm Services 34.00 

STTH-1021Steroid/Thyroid Hormone Panel DetectionDetection Solutions 3,744.00 

STTH-6021Steroid/Thyroid Hormone Panel QC 1,2Detection Solutions 644.00 

STTH-6021-1Steroid/Thyroid Hormone Panel QC 1,2Detection Solutions 644.00 

STTH-8021Steroid/Thyroid Hormone Panel StandDetection Solutions 1,755.00 

STTH-8021-1Steroid/Thyroud Hormone Panel StandDetection Solutions 1,755.00 

STTH-HRPSteroid/Thyroid Hormone Panel HRP ConjugDetection Solutions 351.00 

STTHMAG01L1XSteroid/Thyroid Hormone Magnetic  1-plexBiopharm Services 468.00 

STTHMAG02L1XSteroid/Thyroid Hormone Magnetic  2-plexBiopharm Services 502.00 

STTHMAG03L1XSteroid/Thyroid Hormone Magnetic  3-plexBiopharm Services 543.00 

STTHMAG04L1XSteroid/Thyroid Hormone Magnetic  4-plexBiopharm Services 577.00 

STTHMAG05L1XSteroid/Thyroid Hormone Magnetic  5-plexBiopharm Services 611.00 

STTHMAG06L1XSteroid/Thyroid Hormone Magnetic  6-plexBiopharm Services 624.00 

STTHMAG-21K-01Milliplex Catalog ID.STTHMAG-21K-01.SterDetection Solutions 6,611.00 

STTHMAG-21K-02Milliplex Catalog ID.STTHMAG-21K-02.SterDetection Solutions 8,424.00 

STTHMAG-21K-03Milliplex Catalog ID.STTHMAG-21K-03.SterDetection Solutions 10,238.00 

STTHMAG-21K-04Milliplex Catalog ID.STTHMAG-21K-04.SterDetection Solutions 12,051.00 

STTHMAG-21K-05Milliplex Catalog ID.STTHMAG-21K-05.SterDetection Solutions 13,865.00 

STTHMAG-21K-06Milliplex Catalog ID.STTHMAG-21K-06.SterDetection Solutions 15,620.00 

STUDYRPTBMFinal Study Report-BMBiopharm Services -   

STUDYRPTGMPFinal Study Report-GMPBiopharm Services -   

STUDYRPTIMFinal Study Report-IMBiopharm Services -   

STUDYRPTNABIMFinal Study Report-NABBiopharm Services -   

STUDYRPTPKFinal Study Report-PKBiopharm Services -   

SUDBMStart-up costs (preparation of studyBiopharm Services -   

SUDGMPStart-up costs (preparation of studyBiopharm Services -   

SUDIMStart-up costs (preparation of studyBiopharm Services -   

SUDPDStart-up costs (preparation of studyBiopharm Services -   

SUDPKStart-up costs (preparation of studyBiopharm Services -   

SUSABMStart-up costs (preparation of study speBiopharm Services -   

SUSAGMPStartUp costs (prep. of study specific dBiopharm Services -   

SUSAIMStart-up costs (preparation of study speBiopharm Services -   

SUSANRBMELISAStart-up costs (preparation of studyBiopharm Services -   

SUSANRBMRIAStart-up costs (preparation of studyBiopharm Services -   

SUSAPDStart-up costs (preparation of study speBiopharm Services -   

SUSAPKStart-up costs (preparation of study speBiopharm Services -   

SUVBMStart-up costs (preparation of studyBiopharm Services -   

SUVGMPStart-up costs (preparation of studyBiopharm Services -   

SUVIMStart-up costs (preparation of studyBiopharm Services -   

SUVPDStart-up costs (preparation of studyBiopharm Services -   

SUVPKStart-up costs (preparation of studyBiopharm Services -   

SVC2YRWAR2 Year Extended WarrantyContent & Reagents 177,828.00 

SVCEXPFEEPHExpediting FeeDetection Solutions -   

SVCFEE05EService Inspection / ChargeSeparation & Preparation -   

SVCFEE0D1Service Inspection / ChargeSeparation & Preparation -   

SVCQUALPHQualifying Service FeeDetection Solutions -   

SVCSPEC2ESERVICE CHARGE/FEESeparation & Preparation -   

SVCSPEC5ESERVICE CHARGE/FEESeparation & Preparation -   

SVCSPECD1SERVICE CHARGE/FEESeparation & Preparation -   

SVGP01015Sterivex-GP PES .22um RS 15/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,049.00 

SVGP01050Sterivex-GP PES .22um RS 50/pkSeparation & Preparation 2,303.00 

SVGPB1010Sterivex-GP PES .22um RS w/ Bell OutletSeparation & Preparation 784.00 

SVGPL10RCSterivex-GP PES .22um RS FLL Inlet /MLLSeparation & Preparation 1,205.00 

SVGPLBETZBetz Private Label Sterivex-GP, RS 480pkSeparation & Preparation 24,833.00 

SVGV01015Sterivex-GV Durapore PVDF .22um RS 15/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,049.00 

SVGV010RSSterivex-GV Durapore PVDF .22um RS 50/pkSeparation & Preparation 2,303.00 

SVGVB1010Sterivex-GV DuraporePVDF .22um RS w/BellSeparation & Preparation 784.00 

SVGVL10RCSterivex-GV Durapore PVDF .22um RS w/Separation & Preparation 1,205.00 

SVHV01015Sterivex-HV Durapore PVDF .45um RS 15/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,049.00 

SVHV010RSSterivex-HV Durapore PVDF .45um RS 50/pkSeparation & Preparation 2,303.00 

SVHVB1010Sterivex-HV Durapore PVDF .45um RS w/ BeSeparation & Preparation 784.00 

SVHVL10RCSterivex-HV Durapore PVDF .45um RS w/ LuSeparation & Preparation 1,205.00 

SVLP01300DURAPORE PVDF 5UM WH PL 13MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 843.00 

SVLP02500DURAPORE PVDF 5UM WH PL 25MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,009.00 

SVLP04700DURAPORE PVDF 5UM WH PL 47MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,450.00 

SVLP09050DURAPORE PVDF 5UM WH PL 90MM 50/PKSeparation & Preparation 2,509.00 

SVWG04700DURAPORE PVDF 5UM WH GD 47MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,744.00 

SWAAZONE1TRAVEL ZONE1Detection Solutions 1,140.00 

SWAAZONE2TRAVEL ZONE2Detection Solutions 2,246.00 

SWAAZONE3TRAVEL ZONE3Detection Solutions 3,378.00 

SWAAZONE4TRAVEL ZONE4Detection Solutions 4,484.00 

SWAAZONE5TRAVEL ZONE5Detection Solutions 4,701.00 

SWAAZONE6TRAVEL ZONE6Detection Solutions 5,875.00 

SWAPZONE1TRAVEL ZONE1 (PTY)Detection Solutions 1,554.00 

SWAPZONE2TRAVEL ZONE2 (PTY)Detection Solutions 3,046.00 

SWAPZONE3TRAVEL ZONE3 (PTY)Detection Solutions 4,593.00 

SWAPZONE4TRAVEL ZONE4 (PTY)Detection Solutions 6,092.00 

SWAPZONE5TRAVEL ZONE5 (PTY)Detection Solutions 6,397.00 

SWAPZONE6TRAVEL ZONE6 (PTY)Detection Solutions 7,992.00 

SWLAB0RACAccomodation 1/2 hourDetection Solutions -   

SWLAB0RBB1/2 H REPAIRDetection Solutions 906.00 

SWLAB0REWService Essential Labor/Travel - AfDetection Solutions -   

SWLAB0RPSService Essential Labor/Travel-@PurchaseDetection Solutions -   

SWLAB0RSUInstallation 1/2 hourDetection Solutions -   

SWLAB0RWRWarranty 1/2 hourDetection Solutions -   

SWTRAVLACTravel Accomodation 1/2 hourDetection Solutions -   

SWTRAVLBBtravel for billable repairDetection Solutions -   

SWTRAVLEWTravel Ext. Warranty 1/2 hourDetection Solutions -   

SWTRAVLPSTravel Service Plan 1/2 hourDetection Solutions -   

SWTRAVLSUTravel Installation 1/2 hourDetection Solutions -   

SWTRAVLWRTravel Warranty 1/2 hourDetection Solutions -   

SX0001300SWINNEX 13MM FILTER HOLDER 10/PKsSeparation & Preparation 755.00 

SX0001301SILICONE GASKET FOR SWINNEX 13MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 470.00 

SX0002500SWINNEX 25MM FILTER HOLDER 12/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,509.00 

SX0002501SILICONE GASKET FOR SWINNEX 25MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 941.00 

SX0004700SWINNEX 47MM FILTER HOLDER 8/PKSeparation & Preparation 3,842.00 

SX0004701SILICONE GASKET FOR SWINNEX 47MM 5/PKSeparation & Preparation 441.00 

SX00047RKREPLACEMENT KIT FOR SWINNEX 47MMSeparation & Preparation 3,205.00 

T3-MAG35-anti T3 MAGNETIC Beads  MILLIPLEXDetection Solutions 2,457.00 

T4-MAG37-anti T4 MAGNETIC Beads  MILLIPLEXDetection Solutions 2,457.00 

TCP1-F84Temperature Calibration PlateSeparation & Preparation 10,065.00 

TCP1-F84-RFBTemperature Calibration Plate, RefurbSeparation & Preparation 7,046.00 

TCTP01300ISOPORE POLYCARB 10UM WH PL 13MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 568.00 

TCTP02500ISOPORE POLYCARB 10UM WH PL 25MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 608.00 

TCTP04700ISOPORE POLYCARB 10UM WH PL 47MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 941.00 

TCTP14250ISOPORE POLYCARB 10UM WH PL 142MM 50/PKSeparation & Preparation 2,597.00 

TECHREPORTL1Technical ReportBiopharm Services -   

TECHRPTTechnical ReportBiopharm Services -   

TECHRPTBMTechnical ReportBiopharm Services -   

TECHRPTGMPTechnical Report-GMPBiopharm Services -   

TECHRPTIMTechnical Report-IMBiopharm Services -   

TECHRPTNABIMTechnical Report-NABIMBiopharm Services -   

TECHRPTPKTechnical Report-PKBiopharm Services -   

TESTRN-MAG25-anti Testosterone MAGNETIC BeadsDetection Solutions 2,457.00 

TETP01300ISOPORE POLYCARB 8UM WH PL 13MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 657.00 

TETP02500ISOPORE POLYCARB 8UM WH PL 25MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 578.00 

TETP04700ISOPORE POLYCARB 8UM WH PL 47MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,156.00 

TGFB03L1XMulti-Species TGFb Panel 3-PlexBiopharm Services 305.00 

TGFB119-antiTGFbeta1Beads3.5ml-MILLIPLEX-COLDDetection Solutions 2,106.00 

TGFB1L1TGFB-1 ELISA AssayBiopharm Services 339.00 

TGFB-1L1XTGFB-1 Cytokine 1-plex AssayBiopharm Services 210.00 

TGFB-6064-3TGF beta 1,2,3 Quality Controls 1,2Detection Solutions 644.00 

TGFB-64K-01Milliplex Catalog ID.TGFB-64K-01.HuDetection Solutions 6,026.00 

TGFB-64K-03MILLIPLEX TGF-beta 1,2,3 MultiplexDetection Solutions 9,653.00 

TGFB-8064-3TGF beta 1,2,3 Standard - MILLIPLEXDetection Solutions 2,106.00 

TGFB-PMX3TGF-beta 1,2,3 Premixed Beads  MILLDetection Solutions 10,062.00 

TISNAP2MIDISNAP i.d.® 2.0 Protein Detection System-Detection Solutions 7,350.00 

TISNAP2MINISNAP i.d.® 2.0 Protein Detection System-Detection Solutions 7,350.00 

TISNAP2MAP i.d.®2 ProteinDetect*Mini&MidiDetection Solutions 7,350.00 

TKTP01300ISOPORE POLYCARB 12UM WH PL 13MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 568.00 

TMS-001-CNEAA for MEM Media,10mM-100X, 100mlDetection Solutions 176.00 

TMS-002-CL-Glutamine Solution - 200mM, 100mlDetection Solutions 269.00 

TMS-003-CHEPES Buffer Solution - 1M, 100mlDetection Solutions 737.00 

TMS-005-CSodium Pyruvate Solution - 100mM, 100mlDetection Solutions 105.00 

TMS-006-AUltra H2O - Sterile - High Purity, LiterDetection Solutions 269.00 

TMS-006-BUltra H2O - Sterile - High Purity, 500mlDetection Solutions 176.00 

TMS-006-CUltra H2O-Sterile for cell culture,100mlDetection Solutions 59.00 

TMS-AB2-C100X Soln Penicillin/Streptomycin, 100mlDetection Solutions 199.00 

TMTP01300ISOPORE POLYCARB 5UM WH PL 13MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 568.00 

TMTP02500ISOPORE POLYCARB 5UM WH PL 25MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 608.00 

TMTP04700ISOPORE POLYCARB 5UM WH PL 47MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 941.00 

TMTP09030ISOPORE POLYCARB 5UM WH PL 90MM 30/PKSeparation & Preparation 872.00 

TMTP14250ISOPORE POLYCARB 5UM WH PL 142MM 50/PKSeparation & Preparation 2,597.00 

TR01Mica plate tilt rack for immunostainingSeparation & Preparation 2,136.00 

TR-1001GPT Selection Reagent, 10mlDetection Solutions 772.00 

TR-1003-50ULPolybrene 10mg/ml, 50uLDetection Solutions 2,703.00 

TR-1003-GPolybrene Transfection Reagent, 1 mlDetection Solutions 234.00 

TR-1004Cloning Cylinders, 8x8mm,15 Cylind, EachDetection Solutions 573.00 

TR-1005Cloning Cylinders, 10x10mm,10 Cylind, EaDetection Solutions 573.00 

TR-1008-GSodium Butyrate Solution, 1 mlDetection Solutions 328.00 

TRA8033L1Assay Service for TRAP5b ELISA assayBiopharm Services 298.00 

TRIGLYCL1Total Triglycerides TestingBiopharm Services 81.00 

TSH-L1TSH AssayBiopharm Services -   

TSTP01300ISOPORE POLYCARB 3UM WH PL 13MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 568.00 

TSTP02500ISOPORE POLYCARB 3UM WH PL 25MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 608.00 

TSTP04700ISOPORE POLYCARB 3UM WH PL 47MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 941.00 

TSTP14250ISOPORE POLYCARB 3UM WH PL 142MM 50/PKSeparation & Preparation 2,597.00 

TT3-L1Total T3 AssayBiopharm Services -   

TT4-L1Total T4 AssayBiopharm Services -   

TTL1Total Testosterone RIABiopharm Services -   

TTTP02500ISOPORE POLYCARB 2UM WH PPL 25MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 608.00 

TTTP04700ISOPORE POLYCARB 2UM WH PPL 47MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 941.00 

UFC200324Amicon Ultra 2ml 3K 24PKSeparation & Preparation 1,058.00 

UFC200324PLAmicon Ultra 2ml Pre-Launch 3K 24PKSeparation & Preparation 1,060.00 

UFC201024Amicon Ultra 2ml 10K 24PKSeparation & Preparation 1,058.00 

UFC201024PLAmicon Ultra 2ml Pre-Launch 10K 24PKSeparation & Preparation 1,060.00 

UFC203024Amicon Ultra 2ml 30K 24PKSeparation & Preparation 1,058.00 

UFC205024Amicon Ultra 2ml 50K 24PKSeparation & Preparation 1,058.00 

UFC210024Amicon Ultra 2ml 100K 24PKSeparation & Preparation 1,058.00 

UFC3000TBULTRAFREE MC TUBES 1000PKSeparation & Preparation 3,763.00 

UFC30DV00ULTRAFREE MC DV 0.65 100PKSeparation & Preparation 2,563.00 

UFC30DV0SULTRAFREE MC DV STERILE 50/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,413.00 

UFC30DV25ULTRAFREE DV 0.65 25/PKSeparation & Preparation 757.00 

UFC30GV00ULTRAFREE-MC DURA 0.22um 100PKSeparation & Preparation 2,563.00 

UFC30GV0SULTRAFREE MC GV STER 50/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,413.00 

UFC30GV25ULTRAFREE MC GV 0.22 25PKSeparation & Preparation 757.00 

UFC30GVNBULTRAFREE MC GV 0.22 250PKSeparation & Preparation 4,984.00 

UFC30HV00ULTRAFREE-MC DURA .45U 100PKSeparation & Preparation 2,563.00 

UFC30HV25ULTRAFREE MC HV 0.45 25/PKSeparation & Preparation 757.00 

UFC30HVISULTRAFREE MC/HV 1000/PKSeparation & Preparation 18,581.00 

UFC30HVNBULTRAFREE MC HV 0.45 250PKSeparation & Preparation 4,984.00 

UFC30LG25ULTRAFREE-MC PTFE LG 25Separation & Preparation 808.00 

UFC30LH25ULTRAFREE-MC PTFE LH 25Separation & Preparation 808.00 

UFC30SV00ULTRAFREE MC SV 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 2,563.00 

UFC30VV00ULTRAFREE MC VV 0.1 100PKSeparation & Preparation 2,563.00 

UFC30VV25ULTRAFREE MC VV 0.1 25/PKSeparation & Preparation 757.00 

UFC40DV25ULTRA FREE CL 0DV 25/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,120.00 

UFC40GV00ULTRAFREE CL, GV, 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 3,430.00 

UFC40GV0SULTRFR-CL GV 0.22UM STER.50PKSeparation & Preparation 2,512.00 

UFC40GV25ULTRAFREE CL GV 25/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,120.00 

UFC40HV00ULTRAFREE CL, HV, 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 3,824.00 

UFC40HV25ULTRAFREE CL HV 25/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,120.00 

UFC40LG25ULTRAFREE-CL LG 0.20UM 25PKSeparation & Preparation 1,120.00 

UFC40LH25ULTRAFREE-CL LH 0.45UM 25PKSeparation & Preparation 1,120.00 

UFC40SV25ULTRA FREE CL 0SV 25/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,120.00 

UFC40VV00ULTRAFREE CL, P0VV 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 3,824.00 

UFC40VV25ULTRAFREE CL VVPP 25PKSeparation & Preparation 1,120.00 

UFC500308AMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 3K 8PKSeparation & Preparation 390.00 

UFC500324AMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 3K 24PKSeparation & Preparation 1,030.00 

UFC500396AMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 3K 96PKSeparation & Preparation 3,377.00 

UFC5003BKAMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 3K 500PKSeparation & Preparation 14,398.00 

UFC501008AMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 10K 8PKSeparation & Preparation 390.00 

UFC501024AMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 10K 24PKSeparation & Preparation 1,030.00 

UFC501096AMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 10K 96PKSeparation & Preparation 3,377.00 

UFC5010BKAMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 10K 500PKSeparation & Preparation 14,398.00 

UFC503008AMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 30K 8PKSeparation & Preparation 436.00 

UFC503024AMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 30K 24PKSeparation & Preparation 1,145.00 

UFC503096AMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 30K 96PKSeparation & Preparation 3,782.00 

UFC5030BKAMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 30K 500PKSeparation & Preparation 16,100.00 

UFC505008AMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 50K 8PKSeparation & Preparation 436.00 

UFC505024AMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 50K 24PKSeparation & Preparation 1,145.00 

UFC505096AMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 50K 96PKSeparation & Preparation 3,782.00 

UFC5050BKAMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 50K 500PKSeparation & Preparation 16,100.00 

UFC50VL96Amicon Ultra 0.5ml Vials 96 pkSeparation & Preparation 402.00 

UFC510008AMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 100K 8PKSeparation & Preparation 436.00 

UFC510024AMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 100K 24PKSeparation & Preparation 1,145.00 

UFC510096AMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 100K 96PKSeparation & Preparation 3,782.00 

UFC5100BKAMICON ULTRA 0.5ML 100K 500PKSeparation & Preparation 16,100.00 

UFC700308Centricon Plus 70 3k NMWL 8 pkSeparation & Preparation 2,029.00 

UFC701008Centricon Plus 70 10K NMWL 8pkSeparation & Preparation 2,069.00 

UFC703008Centricon Plus 70 30K NMWL 8pkSeparation & Preparation 2,069.00 

UFC710008Centricon Plus 70 100K NMWL 8pkSeparation & Preparation 2,069.00 

UFC7PCR50MONTAGE PCR 50 PACKSeparation & Preparation 1,294.00 

UFC800308AMICON ULTRA-4 4ML 3K NMWL 8PKSeparation & Preparation 440.00 

UFC800324AMICON ULTRA-4 4ML 3K NMWL 24PKSeparation & Preparation 1,169.00 

UFC800396AMICON ULTRA-4 4ML 3K NMWL 96PKSeparation & Preparation 4,037.00 

UFC801008Amicon Centrifugal 4ml 10K NMWL 8pkSeparation & Preparation 440.00 

UFC801024Amicon Centrifugal 4ml 10K NMWL 24pkSeparation & Preparation 1,169.00 

UFC801096Amicon Centrifugal 4ml 10K NMWL 96pkSeparation & Preparation 4,037.00 

UFC803008Amicon Centrifugal 4ml 30K NMWL 8pkSeparation & Preparation 440.00 

UFC803024Amicon Centrifugal 4ml 30K NMWL 24pkSeparation & Preparation 1,169.00 

UFC803096Amicon Centrifugal 4ml 30K NMWL 96pkSeparation & Preparation 4,037.00 

UFC805008Amicon Ultra-4 50k NMWL 8pkSeparation & Preparation 440.00 

UFC805024Amicon Ultra-4 50k NMWL 24pkSeparation & Preparation 1,169.00 

UFC805096Amicon Ultra-4 50k NMWL 96pkSeparation & Preparation 4,037.00 

UFC810008Amicon Centrifugal 4ml 100K NMWL 8pkSeparation & Preparation 440.00 

UFC810024Amicon Centrifugal 4ml 100K NMWL 24pkSeparation & Preparation 1,169.00 

UFC810096Amicon Centrifugal 4ml 100K NMWL 96pkSeparation & Preparation 4,037.00 

UFC900308AMICON ULTRA 15ML 3K NMWL 8PKSeparation & Preparation 850.00 

UFC900324AMICON ULTRA 15ML NMWL 24PKSeparation & Preparation 2,298.00 

UFC900396AMICON ULTRA 15ML 3K NMWL 96PKSeparation & Preparation 8,753.00 

UFC901008Amicon Ultra 15ml 10K 8pkSeparation & Preparation 850.00 

UFC901024Amicon Ultra 15ml 10K 24pkSeparation & Preparation 2,298.00 

UFC901096Amicon Ultra 15ml 10K 96pkSeparation & Preparation 8,753.00 

UFC903008Amicon Ultra 15ml 30K 8pkSeparation & Preparation 850.00 

UFC903024Amicon Ultra 15ml 30K 24pkSeparation & Preparation 2,298.00 

UFC903096Amicon Ultra 15ml 30K 96pkSeparation & Preparation 8,753.00 

UFC905008AMICON ULTRA 15ML 50K 8PKSeparation & Preparation 850.00 

UFC905024AMICON ULTRA 15ML 50K 24PKSeparation & Preparation 2,298.00 

UFC905096AMICON ULTRA 15ML 50K 96PKSeparation & Preparation 8,753.00 

UFC910008Amicon Ultra 15ml 100K 8pkSeparation & Preparation 850.00 

UFC910024Amicon Ultra 15ml 100K 24pkSeparation & Preparation 2,298.00 

UFC910096Amicon Ultra 15ml 100K 96pkSeparation & Preparation 8,753.00 

UFV5BCC25ULTRAFREE-0.5 5K 25/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,029.00 

UFV5BGC00Ultrafree 0.5 10K 100/pkSeparation & Preparation 3,332.00 

UFV5BGC25ULTRAFREE-0.5 10K 25/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,029.00 

UFV5BHK00Ultrafree 0.5 100K 100/pkSeparation & Preparation 3,332.00 

UFV5BHK25ULTRAFREE-0.5 100K 25/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,029.00 

UFV5BQK00Ultrafree 0.5 50K 100/pkSeparation & Preparation 3,332.00 

UFV5BQK25ULTRAFREE-0.5 50K 25/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,029.00 

UFV5BTK25ULTRAFREE-0.5 30K 25/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,029.00 

UMP-3.0.ONIX uManager and ImageJ PluginSeparation & Preparation 3,018.00 

UP-RPTUbiquitinProfiler Hard Copy ReportLead Discovery -   

VAL-BMValidation/BiomarkerBiopharm Services -   

VAL-GMPValidation/GMPBiopharm Services -   

VAL-IMValidation/ImmunogenicityBiopharm Services -   

VALNABValidation/NABBiopharm Services -   

VAL-PKValidation/PKBiopharm Services -   

VCTP01300ISOPORE POLYCARB .1UM WH PPL 13MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 804.00 

VCTP02500ISOPORE POLYCARB .1UM WH PPL 25MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 862.00 

VCTP04700ISOPORE POLYCARB .1UM WH PPL 47MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,676.00 

VCTP07625polycarb flt 0.1um 76mm 25/pkSeparation & Preparation 1,058.00 

VCTP14250ISOPORE POLYCARB .1UM WH PPL 142MM 50/PKSeparation & Preparation 4,126.00 

VCWP01300MCE 0.1UM WH PL 13MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,774.00 

VCWP02500MCE 0.1UM WH PL 25MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 2,166.00 

VCWP04700MCE 0.1UM WH PL 47MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 2,940.00 

VCWP050000.1UM VCWP 50MM DIA 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 2,979.00 

VCWP09025MCE 0.1UM WH PL 90MM 25/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,911.00 

VCWP14250MCE 0.1UM WH PL 142MM 50/PKSeparation & Preparation 4,665.00 

VMWP01300MCE 0.05um WH PL 13mm 100/ PKSeparation & Preparation 1,774.00 

VMWP02500MCE 0.05U WH PL 25MM 100PKSeparation & Preparation 2,166.00 

VMWP04700MCE 0.05UM WH PL 47MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 2,940.00 

VMWP09025MCE 0.05UM WH PL 90MM 25/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,911.00 

VSWP01300MCE 0.025UM WH PL 13MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,774.00 

VSWP02500MCE 0.025UM WH PL 25MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 2,166.00 

VSWP04700MCE 0.025UM WH PL 47MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 2,940.00 

VSWP09025MCE 0.025UM WH PL 90MM 25/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,911.00 

VSWP14250MCE 0.025UM WH PL 142MM 50/PKSeparation & Preparation 4,665.00 

VVHP04700DURAPORE PVDF .1UM WH PL 47MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 1,186.00 

VVLP00010DURAPORE PVDF .1UM WH PL 3M ROLLSeparation & Preparation 2,587.00 

VVLP01300DURAPORE PVDF .1UM WH PL 13MM 100/PKSeparation & Preparation 843.00 


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